
9 Secrets ALL Narcissists Keep

If narcissists were truthful, they would openly admit that their love-bombing tactics are merely a prelude to further manipulation and mind games. However, honesty is not their strong suit, and this leads to significant secrets secrets that, if revealed, would make it much easier for you to break free. Today, I’m exposing those secrets to help you reclaim your power from the narcissist. Let’s dive in.

Secret 1: Why seeking revenge on a narcissist can backfire

Narcissists don’t want you to know this, but they are willing to self-destruct if it means dragging you down with them. The saying, “If you seek revenge, dig two graves,” applies perfectly here. Before you consider retaliation, understand this: narcissists will go to extreme lengths to spite you, even if it means losing money, destroying their own business, or ruining their reputation. Most people wouldn’t go that far, and chances are, neither would you. If you’re dealing with someone who exhibits classic narcissistic traits, tread carefully when it comes to revenge.

Insight from the comments on revenge:
Retaliation keeps you entangled in their games. Walking away is difficult, but breaking free holds immense value. As a narcissistic abuse recovery coach, I often share advice from the comments section. One commenter wrote: “While wanting to even the score is understandable, retaliation chains you to the predator and the toxic dynamic. Walking away is hard, but it’s worth it.” If you agree, hit the like button.

Secret 2: What the narcissist’s mask hides

Beneath their grandiosity, abusive narcissists are deeply insecure and fragile. They conceal their vulnerability behind a facade of exaggerated superiority or fake humility (common in covert narcissists). But it’s all smoke and mirrors. Their insecurity surfaces when they perceive criticism whether they respond with rage or the silent treatment, it’s clear they’re not okay.

Think of it this way: if someone criticized you for something blatantly untrue (like calling a loud person “too quiet”), you’d likely laugh it off. But if they touched on a genuine insecurity, it would sting. This is proof of the narcissist’s fragility. Push their buttons, and their mask slips, revealing their true insecurities.

Comment from a viewer:
“Narcissists may appear grandiose, but if they’re easily slighted, they’re deeply fragile. Their reactivity whether through rage or body language exposes their insecurity.”

Secret 3: Narcissists are masters of projection

Narcissists excel at projecting their own flaws onto others, especially when it comes to shame. To avoid accountability, they twist reality and blame others for their own actions. After making you feel shame, they’ll shame you for being “weak” or emotional. It’s a vicious cycle.

The core truth is this: narcissists externalize their toxic shame to avoid confronting their self-loathing. Their abusive behavior is a coping mechanism to escape their own self-hatred. If you’re struggling with shame after a relationship with a narcissist, remember: their words reflect their self-blame, not your worth.

Comment on narcissistic shame:
“Narcissists are their own worst enemies. They’re ruled by shame and guilt, yet they act in ways that reinforce those feelings. They fear rejection but push people away. They’re never happy and refuse to work on themselves.”

Secret 4: Narcissists set themselves up for failure

When you step back and observe, you’ll notice that narcissists create the very shame and rejection they fear. They push people away while craving validation, creating a cycle of self-sabotage. Their actions contradict their words, and they refuse to take responsibility for their behavior.

Unlike empathetic individuals, narcissists hurt others to feel better about themselves, but it ultimately leaves them isolated and unfulfilled. Their destructive patterns are a stark contrast to how most people experience guilt or remorse.

Secret 5: Narcissists need you more than they admit

Narcissists treat people like pawns, but they rely on others for validation. They need constant praise and ego-stroking, and if you withhold it, they interpret it as rejection. For example, they might do the bare minimum and then chastise you for not appreciating them.

Comment on dealing with narcissists:
“Is it just me, or is it physically exhausting to deal with a narcissist?” No, it’s not just you. It’s draining.

Secret 6: Narcissists feed on your emotions

Narcissists thrive on emotional reactions whether positive or negative. Your strong responses, whether to their love-bombing or abuse, provide them with the drama they crave. To break free, stay calm and unemotional. Refusing to react deflates their power and makes you less appealing as a target.

Comment on emotional detachment:
“In my experience, it’s best not to show any emotion. If I feel like exploding, I leave. Don’t feed the narcissist.”

Secret 7: Narcissists know you’ll figure them out

While most narcissists don’t recognize their own narcissism, they sense something is off. As you get closer to uncovering their true nature, the abuse intensifies. They may use silent treatment, rage, or smear campaigns to discredit you and maintain control.

Comment on exposing a narcissist:
“Once you expose a narcissist, it’s like performing an exorcism. Walking away is often the best option.”

Secret 8: Narcissists don’t understand love

To a narcissist, relationships are transactional. Their “love” is an addiction to the ego boost you provide. When they say, “I love you,” it really means, “I love how you make me feel about myself.” They mistake infatuation for love and lack genuine loyalty or intimacy.

Comment on narcissistic “love”:
“If you replace ‘love’ with ‘use,’ it makes perfect sense. She didn’t love me; she loved herself.”

Secret 9: To a narcissist, no one is special

Narcissists view people as disposable tools to serve their ego. They’ll shower you with praise one moment and discard you the next. When they try to reel you back in, it’s not because you’re special it’s because they need supply. Don’t fall for their manipulative tactics.

Comment on narcissistic discard:
“Their actions never align with their words. When they say you’re special, it’s just manipulation.”

By understanding these secrets, you can take back your power and break free from the narcissist’s grip. Remember, their behavior reflects their inner turmoil, not your worth. Stay strong, and prioritize your peace above all else.

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